I asked my opponent to give me his list so I could include it in the Battle Report, and it turns out he had an extra heavy weapons team that he didn't mean to include! That weapons team inflicted two wounds on the Avatar and he was killed by exactly two more wounds from small arms fire in that same shooting phase- so the game might have gone a little differently. I would have still lost I'm sure, but it wouldn't have been as much of a rout. Or maybe the Avatar would have still died as ignominious a death due to flashlights or something. So we're going to have to rematch if I want scientific accuracy, but I really don't want to play that list again. It is no fun. I love zipping jetbikes and skimmers around, not slogging hordes of guys that are not meant to be in hordes. I like rolling shooting and close combat attacks, not rolling tons of 5+ saves, even fortuned ones.
My list is an exact copy of Mr. Robbins' list, found
here. My opponent's list, as he gave it to me:
Company Command
Plasma Gun
Vox Caster
Heavy Bolter
5 Grey knight termies
psychic hood
Command Squad 1
Infantry Squad 1
Grenade Launcher
Vox Caster
Missile Launcher
Infantry Squad 2
Grenade Launcher
Missile Launcher
Power weapons
Plasma Gun
Plasma Gun
Plasma Gun
Vox Caster
Melta Gun
Melta Gun
Melta Gun
h. Stubber
snipers (10pts each)
Leman Russ Tank 1
sponson Bolters
Leman Russ Vanq
sponson Bolters
Leman Russ Tank 2
sponson Bolters
Flame tank
Total: 1999
Plus one bonus lascannon heavy weapons team.
I'm not going to write a full battle report here, just show my pictures and explain my choices and what happened.

25% terrain.

My deployment. I had to keep the wraithlords babysat by my only two psykers. I chose to deploy first as I knew I would take a lot of damage from going second, so I didn't know where to put my Dragons and Harlequins. I stuck them in the middle. By the way, I had to proxy quite a few things so the Banshees are harlequins, and every other aspect warrior is a Dire Avenger. The termagants are also Avengers. I forgot my Eldrad model at home so I used a Spore Mine.

My opponent lined up opposite. He infiltrated two squads of Ratlings in either building.

This deployment is looking just like Fantasy! While writing this I just realized that I forgot to do Eldrad's redeployment thing. Whoops! Now I really have to rematch because that might have changed things quite a bit.

On my first turn my guns all had such a short range that I really just ran forward and couldn't shoot.

On his first turn, I had to take a ridiculous number of saves. Above is my actual roll for taking nine 5+ saves at one point. I still suffered heavy casualties.

My avengers advanced on the other flank and took out the "bonus" squad. This side of the field was really boring.

The Gray Knights killed some Dire Avengers and then some guardians. That's an understatement. They wiped out both units. I killed them with some return fire from Wraithlords.

By the way, during the course of the game I failed three stupidity checks for my Wraithlords once my Spirit Seer got ganked. I couldn't get all of them within 6" of Eldrad.

My Harlequins actually did pretty well. It took them three turns to get into close combat where they wiped out a 20-man Guard squad. And then they got completely and utterly shot to pieces.

In the end this was the last unit I had remaining. A unit of Dire Avengers in a building. They were safe for now, but only because the Vanquisher had been missing its shots all game.
So! This list sucks. The Wraithlords became a liability as there's only three, so there's only so much they can do, especially when they fail stupidity checks because they have to be babysat. Plus all three were killed by rending shots from stupid Ratlings. They're Hobbits IN SPAAAAAACE! The Fire Dragons need a ride because 18" is not long range. Guardians have too short a range to do anything before they get completely shot up, even with Fortune and Conceal. Eldar are too expensive for hordes. I will try this one more time making sure I use Eldrad's special rule but I doubt it will go better.